Monday, September 15, 2014

An Applelicious Week

Last week we wrapped up our two week apple unit. The class really enjoyed diving into the literature and interacting with the material through crafts, writing and science experiments. Below is a picture of the book we read to kick off our apple unit.

We read about where an apple comes from and documented the seasons of an apple tree. We learned what a label is and why we label things. We practiced this skill through labeling the parts of an apple.

Although in my "teacher brain" I would like to think the class enjoyed creating a web and learning about labels (wink, wink), I think the most enjoyable part for them was being able to dissect an apple :). 


Below are two pictures of some students working on their apple math and science journals. They loved using new science and math materials!

We wrapped up the unit with an apple art project. We read our last apple story and talked about the different ways an illustrator can represent an apple. In the story we read the illustrator used quilts. We loved observing the pictures!

I think we can officially say we are now apple experts :)!

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