Thursday, September 19, 2013

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, what is happening in our room?

We kicked off our thematic units for the year starting with Chicka Chicka Boom Boom by Bill Martin, Jr. The class really enjoyed not only reading the story, but getting the chance to interact and experiment with a real coconut as well! We performed a taste test and then each student went around the classroom surveying whether his/her peers thought it was "yummy" or "yucky". 

Everyone got the chance to touch and shake the coconut. They all enjoyed listening to the coconut water swish inside :).

A picture of a student completing the class survey.

A student touching the inside of a coconut.

Every student wrote their name on a coconut and cut it out. Following cutting it out, they stuck it under "yummy" if they liked it or "yucky" if they did not like the taste. Surprisingly, "yummy" won!

In addition to our taste test, we also created our own class book called Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Look Who's In Our Room. Everyone filled out a page with their name and a picture of themselves. 

One of the last things we did was create a "name" coconut tree. They jumbled up the letters in their name and placed them all over their tree. You can find all of the "final products" hanging outside our classroom :).

2013: First Week of School!

Welcome to our classroom! We have a wonderful group of 16 this year that are fun, loving, caring, curious and full of energy! To kick-off our school year, we read a story by Heidi Butkus called, Wiggles First Day at School. It talks about all the things to do and not to do at school through the use of a fun, spotted dog named Wiggles. Below is a picture of the book and a photo of some students working hard to create their very own Wiggles!